Here is how Inspired Change Co changes lives:
success stories of former clients

Simona, Denmark

“I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to work with Marina. It was such a joyful and transformative experience.”

There are so many ways to approach well-being, and the HEAL program helped me be more intentional and find what works for me and my lifestyle.

The biggest positive change I've noticed from being enrolled in the HEAL Program is having more intention in my daily decisions: how I can eat a bit healthier, how I can move a bit more today, how I can change my negative thoughts to be more positive, and how I can make my environment more inspiring and cozy.

After finishing the program, I feel more empowered to implement small changes and build new habits, knowing that they will get me closer to my better version of myself.

Thank you so much for your encouragement & life-changing insights!

Kristjan, Denmark

“I have completed the online health coaching program with Marina and I can highly recommend it.”

As Health Coach, Marina is present, skilled and incredibly welcoming. She is committed and always prepared, and she creates safe space for deep conversations. After completing the program, I had achieved my goals and had tools to sustain my new habits beyond the program. Marina clearly gets my warmest recommendations.

Yana, Denmark

“I would call my 3 months course time with Marina an adventure: an adventure to my inner self, to understanding myself and my body better.”

An adventure where I got many tools to enjoy my trip and which I will continue using in my life, and where I built new habits that quickly have become a part of my everyday life. Thank you very much, dear Marina, for the wonderful adventure.

Megan, Netherlands

“This has given me a new perspective of looking at the good that life has provided for us and the longevity that I want to enjoy.”

When I started with this program, I didn't know what to expect.

I wasn't in the best head space, felt overwhelmed with stress and anxiety and consistently worrying about things that hadn't even happened. I knew things had to change and I needed to take hold of myself and commit to this program to allow for the changes that I so badly wanted from myself.

I followed the guidance of the program and wrote down what my intentions were going to be moving forward. I committed to: clear mind on my actions towards myself, putting myself first, a sense of calm, achieving a state of self confidence and happiness with a stronger mind and body.

From the tools provided in the program, I have been able to commit to a practice of meditation and gratitude each day, which have resulted in a calmer mind and happiness that has given me clearer intentions on what I want whilst focusing on movements and activities that make me happy. I have also gotten out of my 'bubble' to try new things especially with regards to food to become more nourishing to my body. This has given me a new perspective of looking at the good that life has provided for us and the longevity that I want to enjoy.

Marina has been a breath of fresh air. She is calm, understanding with so much kindness and empathy. I looked forward to our video calls bi-weekly and she helped with any struggles I did have and always would look for the good that was accomplished. She felt like a 'friend' and I loved the conversation topics that we chatted about. With the human kindness that Marina gives by providing the Healing and Coaching program, she is creating a wonderful space for people to be better.