Now is the perfect time to start living a more mindful, nourishing and fulfilling life. Make the time to look after yourself, prioritise your health and wellbeing, change the way you think and take notice as your life starts to feel better and better inside and out.

Hi, I’m Marina - your health coach

I am the founder of Inspired Change Co as well as a certified Holistic Health Coach purposed to help you prevent burnout, cope with stress, prioritise self-care, create lasting positive habits and get that healthy glow inside out.

I specialize in mental health, stress management and holistic nourishment, and it is my passion and mission to inspire and help you live your most radiant, healthy, mindful and authentically fulfilling life. I will be your guide and show you a kinder, healthier way to treat the most important person in your life - you.


Here Is How We Can Work Together


1:1 Health Coaching Sessions

Apply for bi-weekly 1:1 holistic health coaching sessions tailored specifically to YOUR unique needs to take a holistic deep dive into your health and support you on your unique health journey towards better mental health and physical wellbeing.


HEAL: Online Program

Receive access to the modules of HEAL online self-paced holistic health coaching program and bi-weekly 1:1 coaching calls with your coach to gain an understanding of what affects your health and get applicable tools to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

Life-Changing Reviews


  • We are all whole beings, and therefore our health and wellbeing isn’t only affected by what we eat and how much we exercise, but also by our relationships, career, home environment, mindset, social life and joy in our lives. To find balance and truly thrive we have to take a look at the whole picture.

    ⁣However, being healthy doesn’t only mean absence of disease. It’s about feeling physically, mentally and emotionally well: feeling energetic, joyful, inspired, fulfilled and full of life. It’s about not only nourishing our body, but also our mind and soul and truly thriving.

    ⁣And oftentimes we already know what’s good for us, but the question is: do we actually do it? And usually what helps us implement and prioritise healthy, nourishing habits is motivation, encouragement, a safe space and a good listener to support us on our journey, and kind accountability to make sure that we reach our goals and keep the new habits for good.

  • Whether you are looking to kick-start positive changes in your life, or you feel ready to fully commit to elevating your habits and improving your health and wellbeing, both the 1:1 health coaching offer and the HEAL online self-paced coaching program option offers minimum of 3 months of holistic health coaching duration.

    The main goal with both of the available health coaching options is to help you build new habits and make lasting positive changes sustainably, so they can become a solid part of your life for good.

  • Both health coaching offers are for you who wants to manage stress, nourish your body and mind, and implement simple, science-backed, healthy habits into your every day routines to elevate and improve your mental health and physical wellbeing, and feel good inside and out.

    Are you are seeking 100% personalized support on your health journey specifically tailored to your unique needs? Then I invite you to book a free consultation to explore whether 1:1 health coaching is the right fit for you.

    Do you want to gain more understanding about your body and what affects your mental health, and gain applicable tools and weekly accountability to help you stay on track? Then I invite you to enroll in the HEAL online self-paced holistic health coaching program.

  • Yes, of course.

    Both health coaching options are monthly memberships, rather than full upfront-payments.